
sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

Take care of your health used condom

Uses contraceptives prior to have some relationship with a partner, or some unknown person to be well and get sick of sexual transmission or some other disease that exists in this world the condoms are very good to get some sexual disease there are different types of colors and flavors with texture or retardant, 

There are different types of condoms because they are colors, flavors, sizes, or forms, textured, lubricated, flame retardants, with vibrator, extra fine, use a condoms before intercourse to avoid getting any sexual disease, beware you and your partner, a better life without sexually transmitted diseases,

Condoms of flavors: condoms of flavors has all kinds of flavors so that you can spend a good evening with your partner playing divinando flavors or,

Condoms with texture: condoms are the stubborn thinner but resistant to that you have a healthy relationship as if you´re doing of course, without feeling discomfort or rozones by the condom, but the stubborn are the most recommended by users,

Extra fine Condoms: condoms thinner than there are up to now with these condoms you can feel as though you are the natural,

With Vibrator Condom: The condom with vibrator brings a device that is activated cava that entering your appliance male, the ves to prove good rather use with your parther and have a challenge full of pleasure or someone else their sexual fantasies.

Sexually transmitted diseases also better known as (ETS), is a disease that is transmitted by sexual intercourse either vaginal, oral, or anal, so as not to use protection (Condom), can also be transferred by using contaminated needles or blood of any pregnancy, or childbirth from the mother to the son, the most common diseases are transmitted by two types of genres: bacteria and viruses.

The human immunodeficiency virus (VIH): the virus attacks the immune system of the human being, is diminishing the ability to respond to the agency to deal with infections caused by viruses,fungi, and another type of infection......  the symptoms of ( VIH ) in young people as adults the symptoms are the following: 

Symptoms of ( VIH ) :
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • General Malaise
  • Depression
  • Infertility
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea 
Gonorrhea: it is a more frequent sexual transmission that may be in wet areas and warm in the reproductive tract as is being in i matrix, in the urethra, and into the fallopian tubes, and as in the man also the bacteria can grow in the mouth, throat, and eyes. 

Symptoms in women:
  • Vaginal discharge
  • vaginal bleeding
  • pain in the abdomen 
Symptoms in men:
  • Pain when urinating
  • Purulent discharge from the urethra
Syphilis: It is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a virus called pallidum, which is located in areas of warm, moist environment in order to survive, for example in the mouth, genitals, and year, this happens when an infected person has sex with your partner causing  a rose in open wounds,

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