
martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

Five things to be in the form healthy and take care of your health

Well to be healthy and take care of your health the first thing that we are going to have to do is exercise in the morning before they go to work in the afternoon arriving from work and doesn´t give you time to go to the gyn don´t worry improvises in your home with some things that you have in your hand, like you can climb up and down the stairs, make a few routines with bottles filled with water, as if you´re lifting weights in the gym, 

Leave in the morning to walk before you go to work, as well as you  can leave in the afternoon in the park or a sports field for that your joints are active as your tango, walking is good exercise for that sea a little accumulated fat.

You have some sport, with your  work colleagues or neighbors come out to practice to sport, which l call them the attention you do not have to be good to practice some of porte with the passage of time one learns, there are a also places in the open air yoga or meteorites that practiced in the recreation centers also  serves you well to be healthy in the health 

You can also buy exercise equipment or another option is to buy DVD´ with tutorials to exercise at home there are several and those who are tested this type of exercise that are very satisfied  with the result that they are. 

For the healthy body you have to have a good diet eating healthy fruits and vegetables visit to a dietician to provide you with a good balanced diet, have a body exercised is the way healthier than we have in this life reminds us to exercise and eat healthy food.

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